Certificate No. 72218

for the sum of one cent per acre 6 February 1826 Tennessee grants to George T. Butler 100 acres lying:

on the South side of Cumberland River on the dry fork of Mill Creek. Beginning at a take on the east side of said fork in the north boundary line of a 220 acre tract granted to John Peyton and about 15 poles south of the south east corner of said Butler's 31 acre tract. Running thence East with said line 160 poles to a Stake in said line Thence North 100 poles crossing the Caney branch to two white oaks and a water oak. Thence west 160 poles crossing said branch several times to a Poplar hackberry Buckeyes and hickory thence South passing the north east corner of said 31 acre tract at 20 poles and with the east boundary line of said tract passing the south east corner of said tract in all 100 poles to the Beginning including the house spring and the principal part of the improvement whereon William Lovell formerly lived and whereon William Roden now lives also said Butler's Sugar Camps on the Caney branch.
Survey 1 August 1826

7 November 1827