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1754 History French and Indian War.
1780 History Battle of King's Mountain.
1782 Tax list King George County, VA, J. Butler. Also listed are Stephen
Bailey, J. Bailey and Js. Bailey.
1783 History Three counties establishing the state of Franklin.
Oct 22, 1783 Land Grants John Butler, N.C. Private received 228 acres for
service in the Revolutionary war.
Apr 6, 1784 History Jasper Butler of Davidson Co., N.C. appointed an
attorney (Davidson County included the area which latter
became Jackson County, TN.
Apr 23, 1784 History Revolutionary war warrant 660. John Franks, private in
the line of this state, 640 acres. 158 acres sold to
Edward Butler.
Apr 22, 1785 Land Grants Edward Butler, N.C. Sergeant received 1000 acres for
service in the Revolutionary war (ref).
1790 History William Blount commissioned as Governor of the United
States territory south of the Ohio River.
Jun 9, 1794 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants in the
VA Military District. U.S. Statutes at Large, 1 Stat.
Jul 13, 1795 Report First mention of Fort Blount in a letter from Governor
Blount to General James Robertson (ref).
Jun 1, 1796 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. U.S.
Statutes at Large, 1 Stat. 490.
Jun 1, 1796 Report Tennessee became a separate state.
Summer 1797 Report Major portion of a large body of Federal soldiers,
principally companies of the 4th Regiment of Infantry,
under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas S.
Butler, arrived in Nashville, then traveled overland to
East TN where stationed at Fort Southwest Point (ref).
Aug 8, 1797 Report Colonel Butler's troops mustered at a camp near
Knoxvile. Some of the men were left sick at Fort
Blount. The muster rolls show that Edward Butler was a
Captain in the 4th Regiment of Infantry, mustered
August 4, 1797 for the period May 28, 1797 to July 31,
1797 (ref).
Feb 14, 1798 Letter Lt. Col. Thomas Butler writing from Knoxville as
"commanding in TN". Refers to numerous frauds of
William Terrell in obtaining warrants & grants within
boundary reserved for officers & soldiers of the NC
Continental line. Also other letters re Judge
Campbell's complaint and access to lands (ref).
Sep 18, 1798 Letter Zachariah Cox was a leader of a formation of the TN
Company which purchased 3 million acres from Georgia
(now Alabama) know as "the first Yazoo sale". Pres.
Washington opposed and Col Thomas Butler prevented
Cox's flotilla from passing down the Nolachucky River
from his garrison at Southwest Point (ref).
Oct 2, 1798 History Abs from article written by J. George Morgan entitled,
"Putnam County, Its History and Resources" published in
the Cookeville Courier in 1890 as referenced by Lewis
K. Smith in 1938. States that Col. Thomas Butler
signed treaty, who was grandfather of Thos. H. Butler,
Sec of State. J. Morgan's first wife was Mary Ann
Butler, mother of Daniel Harvey, Mamie and Edgar
Morgan (ref).
Oct 2, 1798 Treaty Treaty between Cherokee and Col. Thomas Butler & Capt.
George Walton.
Apr 1799 Arch. Rpt Zacharial Butler listed as a private in Capt. Richard
Spark's Company, III Regiment of Infantry, mustered by
Liet. Col. Thomas F. Butler at pg. 481. Corp. Page
Butler in Capt. Robert Thomson's Company, IV Regiment
of Infantry, also musted by Liet. Col. Butler (ref).
May-Oct 1800 Arch. Rpt Corp. Page Butler and Prv. Zachariah Butler in Capt.
Peter Grayson's Company, IV Regiment of Infantry (ref).
Feb 5, 1800 Letter Letter from Thomas Butler, Lt. Col. to James McHenry,
Sec. of War. It appears that Thomas Butler provided
background information and a statement of his
understanding of the Tellico Treaty regarding a road
call "the South West Point Road." Refers to Judge
Walton who apparently also negociated the treat with
Butler (ref).
Jul 8, 1800 Letter Letter from Colonel Thomas Butler from Knoxville re
suspected murder by Cherokee of Mr. Kilpatrick's son
and a young man named Kyzer (ref).
Nov 6, 1801 Petition Jackson County establish from Smith County.
1802 Tax List of taxable property & polls in Capt Davis's
Company for 1802. Taken by James Butler, Esq. Shows
James Butler 200 Clinch 1. Fn "One of the first
justices of the peace and formely captain, Knox County
militia, 1799; probably the James Butler who died 1803,
with administration granted to 'Elizabeth Butler widow
and relict.' Minutes, March 9, 1802, September 12,
1803; Moore, Commissions, 21." (ref).
1803 Petition Legislative petition to change the county boarder with
Smith county. Signed by at least 100 petitioners
including William and Welcome Butler.
1803 Tax List James Butler listed in Capt Hay's District (ref).
1803 Book Edward Butler (1763-1803) was a native of Mt. Pleasant,
PA; at 15 an ensign in his brother Richard's regiment,
9th PA; Capt. on St. Clair's expedition of 1791, where
Richard a major-general was killed; promoted to
lieutenant Jan 28, 1779, and adjutant & inspector of
Army 1793-4. In 1799 stationed at Tellico Blockhouse
under older brother Lt. Col. Thomas. Close friend with
Andrew Jackson who took children out of request from
widow Isabelle Aug 3, 1803, "You have no doubt heard
and felt for the loss myself and little family have
sustain'd by the death of the best Husbands and
Fathers... I beg your assistance. My dear children
wants a guardian and you are their choice." (ref).
Mar 3, 1803 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. U.S.
Statutes at Large, 2 Stat. 236.
1805 Report Treaty of Tellico whereby the Cherokee lands separating
East and Middle TN were ceded to the US, opening up the
entire Upper Cumberland region for white settlement.
During this same year, the Fort Blount area was shifted
from Smith to Jackson County.
Oct 27, 1805 Letter Treaty with Cherokees at Tellico in which the section
of land at Southwest Point, extending to Kingston, was
ceded. Col. Thomas Butler, in charge of the Federal
military force had a dispute with Benjamin Hawkins over
the right to use the ferry. (ref).
Dec 9, 1805 Land Grants John Butler, N.C. Private received 640 acres for
service in the Revolutionary war.
1806 Court James Fulkerson, Daniel Molly, Wm. Hudspeth and James
Roulstone appointed Justices by the Engrossed Bills,
1806. Original located in TSLA.
Feb 11, 1806 History Revolutionary war warrant, John Butler, private in N.C.
Cont. line, of Bertie Co., N.C., assigned warrant to
William White. John Johnston witness. Warrant issued
Dec 20, 1805.
Apr 15, 1806 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. U.S.
Statutes at Large, 2 Stat. 378.
Mar 19, 1810 Estate Papers William Ford petition to be released from bond for
Sarah Ford's performance as administrator of Levi
Ford's estate. [Herbert Russ thinks that Levi Ford was
old man Bailey Butler's father-in-law]. (ref).
1810 Census 1810 Census index of TN, most of record was destroyed.
Shows only 1 Butler, John of Grainer Co.
Jun 19, 1810 Land John Butler .. 70 ac on Mill Cr .. 19 Jun 1810. Sur
rtd 19 Apr 1811 by John Murray, DS (ref).
Oct 24, 1810 Land Bailey Butler ase of James Cook ase of Sampson William
ex. to Peter Turney, dec. .. 60 acs .. dry fork of Mill
Cr .. 24 Oct 1810 (ref).
1811 Passport John Butler has been captured and J. Grubb, citizen of
Penn sends letter explaining that John needs to return
to France, where to forturn of his children depends
upon his presence because their mother "having suffered
under the guillotine". The letter is addressed to
"Sir" and may be to some minister of France? (ref)
Jan 14, 1811 Land Bailey Butler .. 90 acs on S side of Cumberland about
1-1/2 mi above mouth of Mill Cr .. John Black's upper
corner. 14 Jan 1811. Sur rtd 19 Apr 1811 by John
Murray, DS (ref).
Sep 19, 1811 Land John Butler .. 10 acs .. Waters of Mill Cr .. 19 Sep
1811 (ref).
Mar 27, 1812 Land Bailey Butler .. one ac .. on the first Caney branch
that runs into the dry fork of Mill Cr above its mouth
on the east side .. 27 Mar 1812; one ac .. dry fork of
Mill Cr .. including salt petre cave; one ac .. dry
fork of Mill Cr .. salt petre cave found by sd Butler
and Jas. Robertson and worked at by them and others (ref).
Apr 18, 1812 Land Bailey Butler .. 40 acs .. N side of Cumberland ..
above Samuel Kirkpatrick's .. including an improvement
where Richard Gordon now lives. 19 Apr 1812 (ref).
Oct 8, 1812 Land Peter Petre .. one ac .. waters of Mill Cr near
improvement made by William Holliday and now claimed by
John Butler .. 8 Oct 1812. Levi Roden, Loc (ref).
Oct 15, 1812 Land Thomas Butler .. acs .. on dry fork of Mill Cr adj John
Baker's east boundary of the tract whereon he now
lives; 10 acs .. on dry fork of Mill Cr adj James
William's west boundary of the tract where he now
lives (ref).
Oct 15, 1812 Land Bailey Butler .. 31 acs .. on west fork of Mill Cr ..
15 Oct 1812 (ref).
Nov 14, 1812 Land Bailey Butler .. 40 acs .. west fork of Mill Cr .. adj
his own .. to incl the bottom land (ref).
Nov 16, 1812 Land Thomas Butler .. 20 acs .. on the dry fork of Mill Cr
.. adj his own (ref).
Nov 16, 1812 Land Edmund Butler .. 20 acs .. on Turkey Cr .. adj Bailey
Butler (ref).
Nov 16, 1812 Land Thomas Butle .. 10 acs .. on dry fork of Mill Cr .. adj
James Williams tract he now lives on (ref).
Nov 21, 1812 Land John Payton SR .. 39 acs near the line of Jackson Co ..
waters of Mill Cr about half a mile above John Butler's
improvement .. to incl mouth of a salt petre came ..
found by Peter Petre .. where there are seven furnaces
now worked by a number of hands being cave John Payton
JR purchased of Bailey Butler (ref).
Dec 9, 1812 Land Bailey Butler .. 10 acs .. west fork of Mill Cr .. Beg
on Jonathon Smith's east boundary (ref).
Dec 9, 1812 Land Thomas Butler & Bailey Butler .. 5 acs .. west fork of
Mill Cr.(ref)
Dec 10, 1812 Muster Edmund Butler shown as a priv on muster roll of Cpat.
John Moore's Company of Infantry, 1 Regt. TN Vol, Col
William Hall from Sumner Co., War of 1812. Engaged for
1 year and shown missing before Dec 10th. (ref).
Dec 31, 1812 Land John C. McLemore .. 3 acs .. Mill Cr of Cumberland ..
corner of John Butler's tract whereon he now lives
being tract he purchased of James Cooke .. in incl salt
petre cave found by David Green living in the
neighborhood (ref).
Jan 8, 1813 Land Eli Langford .. one ac .. Petre's Br of west fork of
Mill Cr .. path leading from Peter Petre's to Bailey
Butler's old works (ref).
Apr 5, 1813 Land Edmund Butler .. 5 acs .. waters of Dry Cr .. to incl
cave lately found by sd Butler and Archibald Wood (ref).
Jul 24, 1813 Land Bailey Butler .. 20 acs .. waters of Knob Cr .. first
main fork below Huff's old cave (ref).
Jun 30, 1813 Land Edmund Butler .. 2 acs .. waters of Knob Cr a small
distance above a .. cave formerly worked by James
Moore (ref).
Jun 30, 1813 Land John Butler .. 20 acs .. waters of Cumberland .. Samuel
Kendall's line .. east with Black's line ..Sylvanus
Fowler, Loc (ref).
Oct 4, 1813 Muster Roll Bailey Butler, Capt., appt or enlisted Oct 4, 1813,
commanded by John K. Wynne. Engaged Jan 4, 1814.
Price Butler as Liut. and Edmund Butler as Ensign,
William Butler as Private, on furlough - wounded Nov 9,
1813. Handwritten note states that Wm is nephew. War
of 1812 Muster roll.
Oct 4, 1813 Military Muster role of 1st Regiment (Wynne's) West TN Militia,
War of 1812. Edmund Butler listed on company pay roll
for term of 3 months as an ensign in Capt. Bailey
Butler's Company of Infantry, Col. J.K. Wynne.
Nov 4, 1813 Land James Butler & Abram Swagerty .. 4 acs .. south side of
Cumberland .. branch known as Hill's branch .. the
Royal Cave (ref).
Nov 5, 1813 Land James Butler & Samuel Kirkpatrick .. 2 acs .. on the
Lick fork of Webster's Cr; .. 2acs .. dry fork of
Brimstone Cr .. to incl cave found by sd Kirkpatrick &
Butler (ref).
Apr 19, 1814 Deed Assignment from John Bustenton to John Butler of 70
acres in 1st Dist. on Mill Creek. Next to 640 acres
granted to William Lytle Jun. and also near property of
William McComas. Cert. 5520, NC Warrant 4580.
Mar 23, 1814 Land William Gray .. 30 acs .. Cameron's branch of Roaring R
.. adj John McGee .. to incl an improvement where
Thomas Butler now lives (ref).
Oct 10, 1814 Cert. Assignment of Robert Learcy to Samuel Moore, Edmund
Butler, James Butler & Isaac Price 9 acres, lying on
the waters of the 2nd branch between the mouth of
Websters Creek, South side of Cumberland, in the 1st
Dist. Cert. 1522, 10,955 (ref).
Nov 3, 1814 Cert. Assignment from Thos. Dillon to Edward Butler 20 acres
on Turkey Creek, north of Bailey Butler. Recorded 24
Jan 1857. Cert. 72218 (ref).
Feb 9, 1815 Land John Butler .. 10 acs .. Wet fork of Mill Cr .. adj
Joseph Martin's southeast corner .. joining George
Alexander (ref).
Feb 10, 1815 Deed Eight grants to Bailey Butler in 1812 but seal is not
affixed until Feb 10, 1815 on 6 and Feb 25, 1824 on the
other two. The 8 deeds total 200 acres, with 160 on
the West fork of Mill Creek and 40 on Brimstone Creek.
Neighbors includes James Martin, Smith Survey, John
Black, Johathan Smith, on the Mill Creek property and
Emmanuel Holmes on the Brimstone Creek property. Cert.
6586, 6584, 6585, 21507 (ref).
Mar 10, 1815 Deed Assignment from Peter Turny of 60 acres to Price Butler
in 1st Dist. in the Dry Fork of Mill Creek. Cert.
4764, 351 to Peter (ref).
May 10, 1815 Land Bailey Butler .. 2acs .. north side of Cumberland near
head of Turkey Cr. (ref).
May 10, 1815 Land Thomas Butler & Bailey Butler .. 5 acs .. dry fork of
Mill Cr .. 3/4 mile from Messer's (?) old cave. B.
Butler, Loc. (ref).
Aug 14, 1815 Land Bailey Butler .. 20 acs .. south side of Brimstone Cr
.. on Emanuel Home's north boundary. (ref).
Oct 24, 1815 Act William E. Butler and others appointed trustees for
Bradley academy (ref).
Apr 25, 1816 Deed Assignment from Lawrence Rames to John Butler of 10
acres in 1st Dist. on the waters of Mill Creek.
Beginning on Archibald Lytles west boundary. Cert.
5520, NC Warrant 4580.
Aug 19, 1816 Land James Butler & Thomas Ryal .. 9 acs .. on Brimstone Cr
.. near William Chissum's (ref).
Oct 12, 1816 Affidavit Aff of Welcome Usery who states that William Butler was
wounded and is unable to labor since that time.
Oct 23, 1816 Affidavit Aff of John K Wynne, C. Cor first reg, WTN, states that
William Butler was a private in his Regiment and was
wounded in the Battle of Talledeger.
Nov 27, 1816 Land James Butler & Thomas Ryal .. 9 acs .. on Brimstone Cr
adj Samuel Moore's upper line. William Butler, Loc. (ref).
Sep 2, 1817 History James Butler and wife Margaret assign warrant 257
(3318) to John Roberts & heirs/assigns. Originally
issued to Heirs of William Herbert, sergeant, 1000
acres on 27 Nov 1816 (ref).
Sep 13, 1817 Land Thomas Butler & Bailey Butler .. 5 acs .. wet fork of
Mill Cr. B. Butler, Loc. (ref).
Oct 6, 1817 Acts Calling for vote on whether county seat should remain
at Williamsburg. Commissioners appointed to build a
court house, prison and stocks. First commissioners
were Philip Mulky, Thomas Butler, William Scantling,
James Perry, Joseph Hawkins, James Vance, Alexander
Keith, Esq., James W. Smith and William Rash, Esq. (ref).
Oct 6, 1817 Act Thomas Butler, Phillip Mulky, William Scantling, James
Perry, Joseph Hawkins and others appointed
commissioners to move county seat from Williamsburg to
the centre. Commissioners to advertise in the Carthage
Gazette and Knoxville Register. Public buildings to be
erected, including court house, prison and stocks (ref).
Nov 10, 1819 Pension William Hill certifies that the muster roll of the
North Carolina Contenental ? for the Revolution War
shows a Charles Butler, private in Capt. Euloes Company
of the 5th Regt. was mustered on Apr 20, 1770 for 2 1/2
years and was discharged on Nov 10, 1778.
Nov 22, 1819 Deed Land Warrant originally to Daniel Harrison, transfered
first to Eil Cherry and later to William E. Butler for
274 acres. No location given. Cert. 280.
Feb 28, 1820 Deed Order to survey for heirs of James Butler, a private, a
tract of 640 acres within limits of the Continental
line. Cert. 309.
1820 Case Cyrus Butler of Providence named in an appeal to the
U.S. Supreme Court regarding contract to provide the
Republic of Chile with "a quanity of military stores"
which had been assigned to Cyrus.
Jul 25, 1820 Act Chairman of county directed to convey title to Edward
Butler of 170 acres on White's creek, which land was
previously purchased by the county court for a poor
Jan 1, 1822 Bible Mary daughter of M & E Gore and wife of T.H. Butler was
born Jan 1, 1822 and died Jul 9, 1857.
Aug 17, 1822 Act William E. Butler and others appointed commissioners
for the town of Jackson (ref).
Oct 24, 1822 Land William E. Butler and wife Patsy T. of Madison Co. to
Abraham Goodpasture and William Williard of Overton 49
acres in Overton.
Oct 25, 1822 Land Bailey Butler .. 2 acs .. dry fork of Mill Cr .. near
fork of the creek where James Williams now lives. G.S.
Butler, Loc. (ref).
Nov 25, 1822 Land Reece V. Morrall .. 2 acs . Sugar Cr. Price Butler,
Loc.; 2 acs .. on a branch of Sugar Cr .. a branch
formerly called Murray's mill seat. Price Butler, Loc. (ref).
Feb 12, 1823 Ranger Book Thomas Butler Jr. 1 black mare. (ref).
Apr 30, 1823 Land Thomas Scanland, James Hogland, Robert Jennings &
Daniel Hogland .. 5 acs .. south bank of Sugar Cr.
Price Butler, Loc. (ref).
Nov 8, 1825 Affidavit Francis S. Kermer & Nathan Montgomery physicians
examined William Butler who received a ball in the
back, left side of the last dorsal vertebra and after
being in him for about two years was extracted from the
inside of the left thigh about midway between the knee
& the hip joint. He is disabled.
Nov 8, 1825 Affidavit Aff of Bailey Butler stating that he is acquainted with
William Butler "and has been from his infancy-- he has
resided in Jackson County ever since the year
1800...And that he received his cash payment forhis
services in the Creek War in the month of September
1814. Witnessed by Amos Kirkpatrick, JP.
Nov 26, 1825 Act Wm. E. Butler and others appointed trustees of the
Jackson Female Academy in Jackson (ref).
Aug 8, 1826 Affidavit Surgeons' certification that William Butler, private
shot in the back on 9 Nov 1813 in the Battle against
the Creek Indians near Talladega, now Alabama.
Aug 29, 1826 Deed Grant to James Kirkpatrick of 50 acres on north side of
Cumberland in Turkey Creek. Including the house spring
and improvements whereon John Butler now lives. Cert.
Sep 12, 1826 Pension William Butler first placed on the pension role for his
wounds in the Battle of Tallego.
Feb 23, 1827 Deed Deed to Welcome Butler for 50 acres on the South side
of the Cumberland, next to John Black, Samuel Kendall
and near the Cumberland. Cert. 3906, 3904.
Nov 7, 1827 Deed Grant to George T. Butler 100 acres on South side of
Cumberland on the Dry Fork of Mill Creek. Near John
Peyton, improvement where William Lovell formerly lived
and where William Roden now lives, also said Butler's
Sugar Camps on the Caney Branch.
Nov 13, 1827 Ranger Book Taken up by George T. Butler 1 white sow (ref).
Nov 13, 1827 Ranger Book Taken up by baby Butler 1 hog (ref).
Nov 13, 1827 Deed Grant to Thomas Butler of 320 acres on the West fork of
Mill Creek. Surved Apr 7, 1826. Next to Erasmus Ford
and, John Black and George Blackamore. Cert. 7288,
Nov 24, 1827 Act William E. Butler and others appointed managers of
lotteries for canal from Hatchee to Mississippi (ref).
1828 Andrew Jackson became the 7th President.
1830 Census List surnames by first letter and not by household
visited. Butlers are listed as follows: John,
Bailey(old), William, Bailey, James, Welcome, James,
Thomas, James B., George, Lear?. (missing Ben J., Thos,
Thomas) (ref). State wide index shows 113 Butler families
with 14 in Jackson Co.
Jan 22, 1830 Legislature James Young, Richard F. Cook, David Cox, David Griffith
and Bailey Butler, commissioners divide Jackson Co.
into 15 Districts.
Feb 15, 1830 Bond Bond of Bailey Butler and George T. Hale for $1250,
there be no lawful objection why the above Bailey
Butler and Polly Stafford should be joined together in
holy matrimony (ref).
May 30, 1830 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. First
script act. U.S. Statutes at Large, 4 Stat. 422.
Dec 24, 1830 Marriage James Butler married Matilda Bell. Bondsman: Wm.
Caldwell, m. by Sam'l Davis, J.P.
Dec 15, 1831 Acts James W. Smith, Bailey Butler, Senior of Jackson County
appointed with Alvin Cullom and William Dale of Overton
County to Board of Internal Improvement for both
counties. Given powers of the Board for the Caney
Fork. Appropriated $1,479 out of $3,233 in the
improvement of the navigation of Obed's river in
Overton County (ref).
Dec 16, 1831 Act Thomas Butler, Sen'r., William Butler, James Gilbreath
& Meriman Rector now boring for salt water in east part
of Morgan Co. (ref).
Jun 9, 1832 Ranger Book James Butler one sow (ref).
Jul 13, 1832 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants.
Script act. U.S. Statutes at Large, 4 Stat. 578.
Aug 14, 1832 Deed Thomas H. Butler witnesses a deed.
Oct 20, 1832 Acts Baily Butler and Henry Sadler appointed to Board of
Internal Improvement for the County of Jackson. County
court of Jackson may direct Board to pay funds to the
School Commissioners (ref).
Mar 2, 1833 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. U.S.
Statutes at Large, 4 Stat. 665.
Nov 4, 1833 Act Robert Butler and others appointed in connection with
the Atlantic and Mississippi rail road co, formerly the
Memphis rail road company (ref).
Apr 8, 1834 Deed Grant to James Butler & Thomas Ryal 9 acres dated Dec
29, 1817. Recorded on Apr 8, 1834. Located in the 1st
Dist on Brimstone Creek. Cert. 26316, 2421; No. 17900
Aug 22, 1834 Ranger Book Wm Butler 4 head of hogs (ref).
Jan 27, 1835 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. Script
act. U.S. Statutes at Large, 4 Stat. 749.
Feb 10, 1835 Deed Thomas H. Butler witnesses a deed.
Mar 3, 1835 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. Script
act. U.S. Statutes at Large, 4 Stat. 770.
Oct 20, 1836 Passport Letter from George B. Butler, attorney, to John
Forsyth, Secretary of State, for a passport application
for Anguste R. Herist? (ref).
May 2, 1837 Deed Thomas Butler witnesses a deed as Commissioner for
Jackson County.
Nov 23, 1837 Court file Needham Apple & wife Elizabeth v. Thomas H. Butler &
wife et al. Elizabeth (widow of Johnathan Holford),
sought dower in land given by John Holford to his widow
Sally, mother of Johnathan. Johnathan died approx 10
years (approx. 1823), before his mother Sally who died
approx. 4 years before (approx. 1833). Johnathan's
heirs included Elizabeth and Sarah, married to Thomas
H. Butler and Mary, married to Jackson C. Apple.
Dec 8, 1837 Appeal Lucy Usury issued judgment against James Sen and Bailey
Jun Butler. File contains appeal to the Tennesse
Supreme Court (ref).
Jan 2, 1838 Postal Thos K. H. Poteet appointed as postmaster of Butler's
Landing. List other postmasters as well (ref).
Jan 22, 1838 Act William Butler and others appointed to turnpike
company (ref).
Jan 25, 1838 Act Wm. E. Butler and others appointed directors of the
Ashport turnpike company (ref).
May 27, 1839 Passport Passports granted to Edward Butler, wife Child & ?, age
30 and 5' 6" tall (ref).
Jan 9, 1840 Ranger Book John P. Butler paid Wm $1.50 for hogs (ref).
Apr 8, 1840 Ranger Book Baley Butler 4 hogs (ref).
Aug 26, 1841 Suit Bailey Butler Jr. et al v. Lucy Ursery et al. James (d
1857 I believe 1837) husband to Frances and father to
Bailey Jr. Also names Wm. age 50 on Jun 29, 1846,
Welcome age 49 on Apr 13, 1846, John, Thomas Jr. Sarah
married to Wm Kendall, Mary married to Wm Surgeant,
Margaret, Sidater? married to Joel Rich, son of John
Rich who was age 52 on Aug 27, 1845 (ref).
Sep 1841 Letter Letter to Wm Sand Tunney??, senator from B Butler Sen,
Elijah Gaddis, Welcome Butler, Bailey Butler Jr,
William Butler, Thomas H. Butler, Drusmus Denton, and
others. Instructs the sentor to vote for "two well
known and approved whigs as Senators in Congress from
this State and that giving your vote... general support
of the Whig party in the Legislature." (ref).
Nov 2, 1841 Abs Ct Minutes Bailey Butler, Jr. et al. v Lucy Usery et al. pg. 30
Nov 2, 1841 Abs Ct Minutes Bailey Butler, others appointed to lay off McColgin's
share... adj Welcome Butler ... pgs 27-28.
May 1842 Suit Welcome Butler died in May 1849. Suit of John Butler
v. Susan Butler, William Butler, Bailey Butler, William
Sarjeant & Mary his wife, William Kendall & Sarah his
wife, Doctor Head & Siothy his wife, Thomas Butler &
Erwin F. Langford. In Welcome's will dated Jan 22,
1838 leaving all of his property to Susan.
Jul 27, 1842 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. Could
be used for any public land for sale in public domain.
U.S. Statutes at Large, 5 Stat. 497.
Sep 20, 1842 Estate Will of Bailee Butler. Son Franklin W. Butler "having
left the state and left me bound as his security for a
larger amount fully sufficient to make out his share of
my property it is therefore my will that he have
nothing more." Lot of land in the town and of Turkey
Creek Bottom given to Thomas H. Other estate
documents. (ref).
Sep 20, 1842 Suit Bailey Butler died shortly after he made his will.
Suit of Samuel Fowler & wife Adaline v Polly Butler,
Thomas H. Butler, Franklin W. Butler, Lucetta Butler,
Erasmus Denton, L.L. Butler, Marium Butler, Lusanna
Butler, John L. Butler, Martha Butler, Bailey Butler.
Apr 29, 1843 Ranger Book Thomas J. Butler 2 steers. (ref).
Mar 25, 1844 Affidavit Aff of William Butler who states that his name was
placed on pension role on 12 Sep 1826. He intends to
move to Franklin Co. because the country there is
newer, the range is better, land is cheaper and he
thinks that he can better his condition and family
there. Attested by James Kirkpatrick who is acquainted
with William Butler. (ref).
May 8, 1844 Abs Ct Minutes Fowlers v. Polly Butler, Thomas H. Butler, Franklin W.
Butler, Lucetta Butler, Erasmus Denton, S.L. Butler,
Marium Butler, Susanna Butler, John L. Butler, Martha
Butler and Bailey Butler.
Jul 2, 1844 Bible Polly Gore (DOB Jan 1, 1822) married L.H. Butler.
Jul 16, 1844 Pension William atests that he was in the Company commanded by
Captain Baily Butler in the Regiment under Col. J.K.
Winn. His name has been on the pension role from which
it has recently been transferred to Ill. to which state
he expected to remove at the time the application. Now
intends to stay in Jackson. Appeared before Lawrence
M. Anderson, JP. (ref).
Nov 27, 1844 Ranger Book Thomas Butler 7 calfs. (ref).
Jun 1, 1845 WPA Mary Ann Butler Morgan b 1 Jun 1845 d 6 May 1883, wife
of George Hampton Morgan and mother of George Edgar
Morgan b 30 Jun 1878 d 2 Feb 1906. (ref).
Jun 1, 1845 Bible Mary Ann Butler Morgan was born Jun 1, 1845 and died
May 6, 1883.
Aug 20, 1845 Will Baile Butler's will. Daughter Adeline Fowler, son
Franklin W. Butler, son Thomas H. Butler, daughter
Lucetia Butler. Wife Polly Butler
Nov 18, 1845 Court Answer of Thomas H. Butler to complaint filed by James
Tinsley. This appears to be a transcript by Landon
which he made from documents which were not destroyed
by the fire and were not part of the Chancery Court
Clerk's records. Other court records included as well.
Jan 28, 1846 Ranger Book John Butler. (ref).
Jun 4, 1846 History History of Melissa Ellen Davis, married to Wm Sargant
on Jun 4, 1846. Three children Welcome c.1847,
Cynathia Ann c. 1849, Eliza Jane b. Oct 7, 1850 in
Tenn.; Louise, Robert F. b. Apr 26, 1855 and Sarah
Elizabeth May 7, 1862; John Harvey Apr 15, 1862 born in
Ill. (ref).
Jul 23, 1846 Suit James Tinsley v. Thomas H. Butler.
Oct 12, 1846 Affidavit B Butler certifies that William Butler was a private in
his company. Fought in the battle of Talico on Nov 9,
1813 and was wounded. (ref).
1847 Book Tannehill Lodge started in 1847 at Gainesboro.
Granville 342 failed, 1867-1895.
Aug 25, 1849 Deed Grant to William Sergant & Thomas H. Butler 279 acres
on waters of Dry Fork of Mill Creek in Dist. Near
David Rose, James Tinsley and John Rose. Cert. 9938.
May 26, 1850 Marriage Copy of marriage record. N.C. Butler and Jane Plumblee
married by F.W. Butler, JP. N.C. Butler and O.J or T
Butler are bound for $1250 on condition that there be
no lawful objection. (Possibly because Jane was only
1850 Census TN State prison inmate list shows James Butler age 31.
July 1850 Abs Ct Minutes John Butler v. Susan Butler, Wm Butler, Bailey Butler,
Wm Sargeant & Mary, Wm Kendall & Sarah, Dr. Head &
Leothy, Thomas Butler and Erwin F. Langford. Welcome
Butler departed in May 1849. Parties to suit are his
wife and heirs. Pgs 390-.
Jul 13, 1850 Suit Court recinded sale of property by Susan Butler (widow
of Welcome) to Erwin F. Langford on Jan 23, 1941.
Langford given lien and property apparently returned to
Welcome's heirs, William, Bailey, William Sargeant &
wife Mary, William Kindall & wife Sarah, Doctor Head &
wife Leothy, and Thomas. Langford appears on 1850
Census age 47. (ref).
Aug 10, 1850 Suit Suit of Preston Leslie, adminstrator of Mounce Gore v.
David Flatt, Wm Gore, Eliza Gore, Paulina Gore, Mounce
L. Gore, Samuel Gore, Mary Ann Butler, Wm. B. Butler,
Mounce G. Butler, Elender Gore & Thomas H. Butler.
Mary Ann Butler, Bailey Butler & Mounce G. Butler are
the Children of Polly Butler, deceased, a sister of
Andrew R. Gore, son of Mounce Gore.
Sep 7, 1850 Census George Butler, age 22, student; J.W. Butler, age 21,
college student; Mahulda Butler, age 48, SC, and son
James, age 27, TN. (ref).
Sep 30, 1850 Census Agriculture Census for 1850. Copied from Microfilm.
Lists: William Butler, Thomas Butler, FW Butler, Thomas
G. Butler, John P. Butler, Thos. Butler.
Nov 5, 1850 Affidavit William Butler age 55, who was a private in the company
commanded by Captian Bailie Butler in the 1st Regiment
of Tennesse Volunteers, commanded by Colonel I.K. Winn
in the War of 1812. States that he volunteered on ?
Sep 1813 for three months. Served two months and was
honorably discharged at Fort Strather on ? Nov 1813 due
to wounds received in the Battle at Talledega. Makes
declaration to obtain bounty land pursuant to Sep 28,
1850 Act. Also states that Wm is a pensioner under the
Act of Apr 24, 1816.
Nov 5, 1850 Affidavit Amos Kirkpatrick & William Hawkins were acquainted with
James Butler, married to Fanny for many years. Also
statement of William Butler and Bailie Butler that
James Butler is the same who served in Captain James
Bennet company in the 4th Rgt of Tenn Militia commanded
by Col Steel in the War with Great Britain.
Nov 5, 1850 Affidavit Fanny Butler, age 73, declares that she is the widow of
James, deceased who was a private in the company
commanded by Captian James Bennet in the 4th Regiment
of Tennessee Militia, commanded by Colonel Steele the
war of 1812. James was drafted in Jackson on ? Jan
1814 for a term of 3 months. Honorable discharged on ?
Apr 1814. Married in Buncombe Co., N.C. in 1793 by ?
Newport, a regular minister of the Gospel. Before
married was Fanny Usry. James died 1840 in Jackson.
Feb 6, 1851 Ct Report George M. McWhiton? guardian of Samuel S. Butler, Mary
Anderson, Susan Hampton, John S. Butler, Bailey Butler
and Martha Butler minor heirs of Bailey Butler dec.
Reports that the guardian had purchased last term from
Mary Anderson the tract of land mentioned in the
petition for $800 which was paid from the funds
belonging to said wards.
Jun 1, 1851 Voter list Vol XIV No. 4: 1851 Jackson Co, TN Voters List.
District No. 7. Welcom Butler, Thomas Butler Sr.,
Thomas Butler Jr., L.B. Butler, F. M. Butler, John P.
Butler. Vol XV No. 1 (cont) District No. 17 William
Butler, Bailey Butler. Bailey Butler, Census Taker,
certifies it is a true list of the voting population.
976.8 B2U (Vol. 16 p. 32) Thomas Butler b. 14 Feb 1829
m. Nancy Walker Butler 1828. Vol. 13 p. 184: Bailey
Butler petitions to divide Jackson Co into Civil
districts. p. 141 Lizzie Lucetta Butler md. W. H.
Ragland 5 Sept 1879. (ref).
Jun 21, 1851 Land Warr. Original Military Bounty Land Warrant No. 10214 issued
to Fanny Butler, widow of James Butler, private in Capt
Bennet's Company 4th Regt. Tennesee Militia, War 1812.
Jul 9, 1851 Bible Polly G. Butler died Jul 9, 1851.
Dec 24, 1851 Suit Zebulon Nettles v John Stafford, et al. Various
pleadings regarding a suit to show that John Stafford
was an illegitimate son of John Stafford and Anna
Jun 5, 1852 BKWT 5994 William Butler sells 40 acres to Wallace H. Davis of
Johnson County, Ill. SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of section
29 Township 12S of Range 3E in Shawneetown, Ill. Also
includes a copy of the original land warrant.
Mar 20, 1852 Suit Zebulon Nettles et al v. John Stafford, Polly Anderson,
Thomas H. Butler, Admn of Bailey Butler, decd.
Mar 22, 1852 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants. Made
warrents assignable. U.S. Statutes at Large, 10 Stat.
Jun 9, 1852 Affidavit Aff of Thomas H. Butler and Franklin W. Butler, sons of
Balie and Polly Butler. Thomas H. was the exec of
Balie's will.
Jun 14, 1852 Affidavit Aff of Polly Anderson, widow of Bailey Butler (d 12 Oct
1842), who was a Capt in 1st TN Mil. comm by Col. John
K. Wynne, mustered in last Oct 1813. Married Bailey 15
Feb 1830. Later married Lawrence M. Anderson 19 Jul
1846, who d 13 May 1868.
Jun 14, 1852 Affidavit Aff of Polly Anderson, widow of Balie Butler who
commanded a company in the 1st Regiment Tenn Militia
commanded by Col. John K. Wynne in the War of 1812.
Husband volunteered and was mustered at Fayetteville,
Tenn last of Oct 1813 and honorable dischared last of
Jan 1814. Married Balie in Jackson on Feb 15, 1830 by
Maurice Gore, JP. Name prior was Polly Stafford.
Balie died Oct 12, 1842. Remarried on Jul 19, 1846 to
Lawrence M. Anderson who also died on may 13, 1848,
leaving her a widow which she still remains.
Jul 9, 1852 Affidavit Aff of Thomas H and Franklin W Butler, sons of Balie.
Aug 31, 1852 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants.
Satisfied VA warrants and rel. claim to VA Military
District. U.S. Statutes at Large, 10 Stat. 143.
Nov 22, 1852 Affidavit J.N. Pearce clerk of the county court was acting JP at
the time he acknowledged Fanny Butler's signature.
States that the court is in Vienna, Illinios.
Nov 22, 1852 Affidavit Fanny Butler's affidavit that she has assigned warrant
no. 10214 to William Butler of Johnson County, Il.
Witnessed by William Usry and William P. Copland. Also
attested to by J.N. Pearce JP who states that he
certifies that this is the identical Fanny to whom the
warrant was given. (ref).
Dec 6, 1852 Land Warr. William Butler presented Military Bounty Warrant No.
10214 (org issued to Fanny Butler, widow of James), for
SW of SW 1/4 of section 7, T7S, R2E containing 39
12/100 acres. Wm signed on Nov 29, 1852, and requests
that the patent be sent to Shawneetown on Jan 1, 1853.
1853 Tax List Personal property tax list. Arthur $100; Bayley $35;
D.K. $62; Frederick $161; John $56; Newton $61; William
$76; Wm. S. $51. (Assessor's Book complied by Franklin
Co. Gen. Soc.).
Nov 1, 1853 BLWT 5994 Cert for 40 acres SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of sec 29 T12S of
R3E Shawneetown. Wm Butler assigns to Walker H. Davis. (ref).
Nov 1, 1853 Warrant 10214 Warrant no. 10,214 for 40 acres issued to Fanny Butler,
widow of James Butler, private in Capt Bennets Company
4th Reg. TN Militia War 1812. SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of
Section 7 in T7S of Range 2E at Shawneetown, IL
containing 39 12/100 acres, which was assigned to
William Butler. See also 16,774 3 Dec 1850 and 57,158.
Nov 11, 1853 Pension Nathan Montgomery & Will F. Plumlee, physicians,
certify that Oliver T. Butler labors from Ercaypalas
and diarrhea. Alphius Kendall and John Kendall also
state ever since Oliver returned from Mexico except for
a few months while he was absent from the country,
Oliver has been in very feeble health. When he
returned in Aug 1848 he was not able to perform any
labor for 12 months and continues afflicated with
running sores. (ref).
1854 Tax William Butler, SW SW section 7 of T7 2R 39.12 acres
valued at $97 and taxed at .82. Arthur L NW SW section
13, 40 acres valued at $60, taxed .51. Frederick SW SW
section 13, 40 acres valued at $60, taxed .51. Franklin Co., IL,
Complied by Franklin Co. Gen. Soc.
Jan 2, 1854 Pension Oliver T. Butler appears before Thomas D. Cassitty,
James Pharriss and Peter Cox, JP, who are satisfied
that Oliver continues disabled.
Jan 2, 1854 Pension John Scanland swears that Oliver T. Butler was left in
a hospital in Jalapa, Mexico for about 3 months.
Oliver was unable to work for about 18 months or near
two years after he returned from Mexico.
Mar 3, 1854 Legislature Bill passed to build the Jennings and Line Creek
Turnpike from Gainseboro by the nearest and most direct
route to KY boarder in the direction of Tompkinsville.
Thomas H. Butler, William Plumlee and others appointed
to incorporate.
May 24, 1854 Probate Probate index of William Butler. DOD May 24, 1854.
Other: Military Land Warrant # 10,214 in the name of
Fanny Butler issued Dec 6, 1852. Adm.: Couwood Davis? (ref).
1854 Affidavit Caywood Davis as administrator of the estate of William
Butler states that the estate is insolvent. [missing
subsequent pages].
Jun 10, 1854 Bill James Butler was an ordinary seaman on the U.S.
Independence in 1816 and was "ruptured on the right
side". Pension granted. (ref).
Jul 7, 1854 Petition Petition to sell real property of the estate of William
Butler. Contains the published notice in the paper
that William Butler's assets were insufficient to pay
his debts. Property of which William was seized was
NW1/4 of SW 1/4 of section 7 T7S R2E also SW1/4 of SW
1/4 section 7 T7S R2E containing 78 24/100 acres. Adm.
Caywood Davis.
Jul 15, 1854 Cert 17887 Deed from the U.S. of 39 acres to William Butler,
signed by President Franklin Pierce. The NW 1/4 of the
SW 1/4 of Section 7 Township 7S Range 2E in the
District of lands subject to the sale at Shawneetown
1855 Church Cumberland Presb. Church, Jackson County: Mary Ann
Butler died in 1855. p 65, Letter to editor from T. H.
Mar 3, 1855 Act Act involving revoluntionary boundy land grants.
Minimum 160 acres; King's Mtn and others made eligible.
U.S. Statutes at Large, 10 Stat. 701.
Mar 31, 1855 BKWT 10214 Bounty Land Claim of Fanny Butler, widow of James.
Fanny was 77. Treasury Dept document states that James
entered service on Jan 28, 1814 and served until May
10, 1814, when he was discharged.
Mar 31, 1855 Affidavit Affidavit of Richmond Darwin, guardian to John S.
Butler age 20 & 6 months, Martha Butler age 13 and
Bailie Butler age 12, minor heirs of Captian Bailie
Butler, Husband to Polly, formerly Butler then Anderson
and now Darwin. Cap. Bailie commanded a company in the
Regiment of Tenn Militia, commanded by Col. Wynne in
the War of 1812. Other Bailie child is Susan age 19,
married to Thomas Hampton.
Apr 2, 1855 Affidavit Affidavit of Jsophenia (Cook) Butler, age 39 of
Franklin, declares that she is the widow of William
Butler deceased who was a private in the company
commanded by Captian Butler in the 1st Regiment,
Tennessee Militia. Volunteered at Jackson Co on or
about Nov 20, 1813 for 3 months. William died at his
residence near Pope's Prairie, 10 miles SW of Benton on
May 24, 1854. Married William in Jackson Co Jan 27,
1844 by Franklin Butler, JP. (ref).
Apr 2, 1855 Affidavit Affs of Amanda E G Gray & Dr. Benjamin W Popes who
state that Wm Butler died 24 May 1854. Gray resides
3/4 miles and stay up with family the night of Wm's
death. (ref).
Apr 16, 1855 Land William S Butler purchased W 1/2 of the NW quarter of
section No. 21 in Township 6S of Range 1, 80 acres for
$10. Upon the presentation of this certificate to the
Commissioner of the General Land office then would be
entitled to receive a patent for the land. (ref).
Nov 6, 1855 Affidavit Edward Kirkpatrick, Bailey Butler and John Kirkpatrick
state that they were personally acquainted with James
Butler and Fanny Butler in the State of Tennessee, who
lived together as husband and wife for over 40 years.
Fanny was a widow at the time she made application for
Bounty Land under the Act of Mar 8, 1855. (ref).
Nov 6, 1855 Letter Samuel Harrison sent a letter to Hon L.P. Waldo to
obtain bounty land for Fanny Butler. Cannot prove
marraige which took place in N.C. about 60 years ago.
Nov 9, 1855 Affidavit Bailey Butler and Thomas Davis state that they were
personally acquainted with William Butler dec. and
Jsophenia his widow about 10 years previous to his
death. Lived as HW and raised children. (ref).
Dec 13, 1855 Land Land warrant 36947 for 120 acres under the Act of March
3, 1855, to Fanny Butler, widow of James Butler Private
in Captain Bennett's Company Tennessee Militia War
Dec 31, 1855 Land Fanny Butler assigns warrant 36947 for 120 acres to
William S. Adams. Attested by William S. Butler and
Jasper Butler. Bailey Butler also attests as a JP.
Adams later located on Apr 19, 1856, the 120 acres N
1/2 of NW 1/4 & NW 1/2 of NE quarter of section 21,
T15N, R 1W in Wisconsin.
Feb 6, 1856 Suit Sarah who married Welcome Butler is the daughter of
Benjamin D. Holmes, and the sister to Samuel, Sylvanus
C. James & Adeline.
Feb 9, 1856 Suit Welcome Butler and his wife were nonresidents of Tn as
shown in the suit against them by Alexander Masters.
Jul 16, 1856 Minute Book Welcome died May 1849. His widow (Sarah) and heirs
made claim under his will dated Jan 22, 1838.
Decendants appear to be Susan Butler, William Butler,
Bailey Butler, William Sargeant and Mary his wife,
William Kendall and Sarah his wife, Dr. Head and Liethy
his wife, Thomas Butler and Erwin F. Langford. States
that William Sargeant was a doctor from Penn who
married Welcome Butler's daughter. source Minute Bk B-C
Chancery Ct 1856-60. (ref).
Aug 1, 1856 Affidavit Aff of Polly Darwin. Minor children as of Mar 3, 1855
of Polly and Bailie Butler dec., Cap. in the War of
1812 are: John S. b. Jun 6, 1834; Susan Hampton
(formerly Butler) b. Mar 4, 1836; Martha b. Apr 2,
1841; Bailey b. Mar 28, 1843. Children made app for
120 acres no. 123,394.0.
Aug 10, 1856 Cementary M.F. Butler was born Aug 10, 1856 and died May 4, 1928.
Butler Graveyard located near Gladdice, Tn.
Sep 1856 Indictment Bailey Butler "late of the county aforesaid on the
tenth day of July" of 1856 sold one gal of whiskey to
William J. Murphy without a license.
Sep 15, 1856 Pension Will F. Plumlee was present at Tallapa, Mexico when
Oliver T. Butler contracted the disease he now labors
under about Dec 1847. Has seen Oliver from '51 and he
is still afflicted and will remain so.
Oct 2, 1856 Guarantee Bailey Butler, Archabald Gray, William Roddy and
William Butler post a bond to Robert A. Johnson for
$7.70, to cover an appeal to the Circuit Court by
Bailey Butler of a judgment against him for $32.25.
Bailey paid Woodson Gray $1.50 to appeal the case of
R.A. Johnson v. Bailey Butler on 29 Jun 1857. Bailey
also paid $4.50 on execution to Robert A. Johnson on 24
Jul 1857. (ref).
Feb 12, 1857 Deed William S. & Malissa E. transfer to School Directors
"as long as land is kept for school purposes" S21 T6 1E
NW1/4. From orig Pat 16 Apr 1855 W1/2.
Feb 28, 1857 BWLT 23979 William S. Butler personally appeared that entered the
land on Apr 16, 1855 pursuant to the Act of Aug 4,
1854, that has resided since Mar 7, 1855, and has made
one dwelling house and kitchen and 3/4 acres of land in
actual cultiviation. He is the head of a family when
he entered the land. W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Section 21
Township 6S Range 1E (80 acres). (ref).
Jun 1, 1857 Cert 23972 Deed from the U.S. of 80 acres to William S Butler,
signed by President James Buchanan. The W 1/2 of the
NW 1/4 of Section 21 Township 6S Range 1E in the
District of lands formely subject to the sale at
Shawneetown now Springfield. (Shawneetown cash entry
23972). (ref).
Jun 1, 1857 Cert 24582 Deed from the U.S. of 160 acres to Bailey Butler,
signed by President James Buchanan. E 1/2 of NW 1/4 and
SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of
Section 29 Township 6S Range 1E. (ref).
Aug 2, 1857 Deed Baley Butler to Wm H. Cook, S29 T6 R1, Bailey & his
wife Cynthy Butler transfer 160 acres.
Aug 11, 1857 Deed Lafayette Butler & George W. H. Butler convey to
Stephen S. Kirk lands willed by our grandfather Thos.
Butler dec. consideration 2000 with river opposite side
at mouth of Richmond Darwin spring branch. 175 acres.
Witnessed by F.K. Kelly & R.P. Brown. Book B; pg
584,5; Clay Co. and Book K, pg. 335, Jackson Co. Jno
Gipson register, Oct 3, 1880.
Aug 11, 1857 Deed Lafayette Butler and George W.H. Butler convey lands
willed by their Grandfather Thos. Butler decd. 175
acres...river opposite side at mouth of Richmond Darwin
spring branch.
Oct 2, 1857 Affidavit Aff of Duncan R. Butler and his wife Mary. State that
they have known William Butler's widow, Josephina for
16 years. Also state that Duncan is William's son. (ref).
Nov 13, 1857 BWLT 94067 Original land warrant for 120 acres to Zophenia Butler,
widow of William, private in Captian Butler's Company
of Tenn Militia., Creek War. Also sale document to
John N. Fentrys of Mississippi County, Misouria dated
Nov 26, 1857.
Dec 23, 1857 Deed David Butler transfered to Wm. H. Cook S29 T6 R1 20
acres, originally Bailey's 20 Jul 1855 SW1/4, IL.
Dec 24, 1857 Court record Zebulon Nettles v. John Stafford.
Jul 14, 1858 Suit Suit by Jackson Apple, Mary Apple, Thomas H. Butler,
Sarah An Butler v. Jubal Anderson, Neadin Apple,
Elizabeth Apple & George Apple.
Jul 1859 Suit Suit of John Condran, ... Oliver T. Butler & Prudence
L. Butler v Cherry et al.
Jul 1859 Mortality Thomas J. Butler died of tyfoid fever after being ill
for 28 days. He was 7 months old at his death. The
mashall wrote that "The climate is very changeable the
given is what then is great may caused of consumption
which of course is always fatal. The cholera infection
and cramp amoung children are generally fatal there is
some chills and fever that is not often fatal. (ref).
Jul 14, 1859 Suit Suit involving land sold to Thomas H. Butler.
Jul 26, 1859 Deed Fredrick Butler to Arthur L. Butler S13 T5 R4E SWSW1/4
40 acres. Fredrick was orig patentee of SW (Dec 26,
1853) and Arthur of NW (Dec 19, 1853). Reference to
Fredrick's wife Cordelia.
1860 Census 1860 Census Jackson Co., showing C.Y. 34, S.G.S. 32, John P. 50,
L.B. 36, Thos. H. 40, Bonyparte 18, Louisa 23.
Jan 27, 1860 Deed Bailey Butler to Wm Cook S29 T6 R1 NENW.
Feb 19, 1860 Deed William S. Butler transfered to George Harvey of St
Louis S21 T6 R1 SW1/2 of NW1/4 for $400.
Apr 1860 Mortality Shows a Benjamin F. Butler, age two, died in Franklin
County in April 1860 of scarlet fever after being sick
for 13 days. Thomas J. Butler died at age 7m. Shows
20 Butlers with 2 in Franklin Co.
1861 Deed Bailey Butler to James MacKey S13 T6 R1E W1/4 of NE1/4.
Actual date is missing.
Aug 13, 1861 War Jas. N. Butler of Rome re-enlisted as a veteran on Aug
13, 1861.
Sep 7, 1861 Deed Bryon & Mary McCartney to Bailey S33 T6 R1E NW1/4
Sep 10, 1861 Warrant 94067 Zophenia Butler, widow of William Butler, private,
captian Butler's company, Tenn militia, Creek War
assigns her land warrant to John N. Fentress, signed by
President Abraham Lincoln. 120 acres located upon the
W 1/2 of the NW 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4,
Section 22 Township 24N Range 16E, in the District
lands formerly subject to sale at Jackson, now Fronton,
Misouri. See also Warrant 5994, 3586340, 149728,
Aug 21, 1862 Muster Wm. S. Butler joined Co. D, 89th Infantry Regiment,
Illinios Volunteers as a private. He was 39. Enrolled
in Chicago and was mustered into service on Aug 27,
1862, by Capt. Christopher. Remarks: Died while a
prisoner of war at Andersonville, Ga., on or about Sep
16, 1864. (ref).
Aug 21, 1862 Muster Wm. H. Butler joined Co. D, 89th Infantry Regiment,
Illinios Volunteers as a private. He was 39. Enrolled
in Chicago and was mustered into service on Aug 25,
1862. Remarks: Bounty Premium.
Aug 22, 1862 Muster J. B. Butler joined Co. D, 89th Infantry Regiment,
Illinios Volunteers as a private. He was 23, 5' 11"
tall, light hair, blue eyes, single, from Jackson,
Tenn. and a farmer. Resided in Mulkeytown, Franklin,
Ill. Enrolled in Chicago and was mustered into service
on Aug 25, 1862, by Capt. Christopher. Remarks:
Deserted al Louisville, Ky., Jan 18, 1865.
Aug 22, 1862 Muster Newton C. Butler joined Co. D, 89th Infantry Regiment,
Illinios Volunteers as a private. He was 32, 6' 0"
tall, light hair, blue eyes, married, from Jackson,
Tenn. and a farmer. Resided in Mulkeytown, Franklin,
Ill. Enrolled in Chicago and was mustered into service
on Aug 25, 1862, by Capt. Christopher. Remarks:
Promoted Corporal. Died Andersonville, Ga., on or
about Sep 15, 1864. Grave No. 10,856.
Oct 31, 1862 War Muster roll for Sept/Oct 1862 shows that James B.
Butler was absent "sick in hosp. at Louisville since
Sept. 27, 1862.
Feb 1, 1863 War Descriptive List of Deserters states that James B.
Butler age 23, 5 feet 11 inches, fair complexion, blue
eyes, ??hair, born in Jackson Co., TN, farmer, deserted
Jan 1863 from the hospital in Louisville, KY.
Jan 1, 1864 War History Jas. H. Butler of Mt. Vernon enlisted Jan 1, 1864 and
was mustered Jan 30, 1864. He deserted on May 3, 1864.
Jan 31, 1864 Muster Welcome Butler of Mulkeytown enlisted on Jan 31, 1864
and was mustered Feb 21, 1864. M.O. Aug 31, 1865, as
Jan 31, 1864 War Volunteer enlistment of Welcome M. Butler age 18, born
in Jackson Co., enlisted from Benton.
May 24, 1854 Probate Probate abstract of William Butler who died May 24,
1854. Military land Warrant #10,214 in the name of
Fanny Butler issued Dec 6, 1852. Adm Couwood Davis.
(Complied by Franklin Co. Gen. Soc.). (ref).
May 27, 1864 Military Muster roll for Nov & Dec 1864 states that William S.
Butler was absent and "Taken prisoner May 27, 1864 at
New Hope Church, Ga. Malissa E. wife of William S.
Butler recd of Major Thusted pay from Jany 64 to Aug
31, 64 $116."
Jul 18, 1864 Journal "Monday July 18, 1864 -- Today I am 22 years old, we
are on the skirmish line. We advance to Peach Tree
Creek. We cross Peach Tree Creek; and make a charge on
the Rebels but they charged on us and drove us back
across the creek kiling and wounding an capturing a
good many. I was captured together with ten other of
my Co. There was 5 killed in my co. William Butler,
Henry Newhouse, Levi Rimvarthy, Abraham Snider, William
Kyne......." This was at Atlanta, Georgia and these
men captured were taken to Andersonville Prison. My
husband's grandfather survived the prison but this
diary gives horrible evidence of how cruel men can
treat each other. From letter written by Mrs. Curtis
Knight, 618 Youngs Land, Freeport, Illinois, sometime
in the late 1960's.
Sep 15, 1864 War Newton Butler of Co. D, 89 Reg't IL Infantry was absent
on Jan/Feb 1865, "Taken prisoner May 27, 1864. Jane,
wife of Newton C. Butler recd. of Maj. L. T. Thusted
pay from Jany 1, 1864 to Aug 31, 1864, $1.24."
Sep 25, 1864 War Memorandum from prisoner of war records of Newton
Butler admitted to "Hospital at Andersonville Ga. Sep
25, 1864; treated for ___ Where he died Oct 10th, 1864
of Scorbutus..." Information obtained from records of
"Orig Andersonville vol 113 page 268; vol 130, page 73;
Burial Reg 117; Wurseted?? Record vol 4 page 23, vol 2
page 63 and vol 17 page 14.
Oct 4, 1864 War Casualty Sheet states that N. Butler died at
Andersonville Ga. Oct 4, 1864, page 29 13 Andersonville
Hospital Record.
Oct 9, 1864 Casualty Sheet W.S. Butler, Private of company D, 89 Regiment of IL
State Volunteers. States "Death Died at Andersonville
Ga Oct 9, 1864/ Page 27 -"B" Andersonville Records."
1865 Tax List 7 Butlers listed: Arthur L., Bailey, Cordelia, D.R.,
James, Malissa E., William. Complied by the Franklin
Co. Gen. Soc. 1993.
Mar 1865 Affidavit Aff of William S. Eubanks, age 51, who states that he
enlisted with Duncan R. Butler in March 1865. Butler
was first sick when they boarded a boat at New York to
join their regiment. They desembarked at Morehead
City. Butler could not carry his baggage. Later went
to Raleigh N.C. Did not see Butler until they arrived
in Washington where Eubanks was assigned to Co. C 60th
Mar 9, 1865 Military Ducan R. Butler, age 41, volunteered for 1 year at
Springfield, IL, under Capt. Isaac Keys. States that
he had blue eyes, black hair, fair complexion and was 5
feet 10 1/2 inches high. In Co. E, 60th Regiment of IL
Infantry Volunteers. Credited to Linebridge DeWitt
Co., IL, 8 Dist 43 S.D.
Apr 20, 1865 War Welcome M. Butler was promoted from Corp.to Sgt on Apr
20, 1865, according to Company K 13 Cav. Ill muster
roll. Also states that he was "private from enlistment
to Feb 13, 1864, then corpl to Apr 20, 1865.
Apr 29, 1865 Casualty Sheet Wm S. Butler, Private of Capt. Robinson of IL, born in
Jackson Co., age 39, 5 feet 11 inches, dark complexion,
blue eyes, brown hair, farmer, joined company D of the
89th Regiment at Chicago on August 21, 1862, served
Honestly and Faithfully in the field to present date
and is now discharged by reason of having died while a
prisoner of war on or about Sep 15, 1864. Milice E
wife was last paid by paymaster Thirsted to Aug 31,
1864. Given in duplicate at Nashville, TN.
May 20, 1865 Affidavit Coleb Burton states Newton Butler died at Andersonville
about Oct 5, 1864 of scurvy. Knows for personal
knowledge as a member of Company D. He frequently
visited Newton at the Hospital..that when he last went
to see him he was informed that Newton had died and was
taken to the dead house and that he has not seen him
since and that he is satisfied from Newton's condition
on Oct 4, 1864 that he died as stated.
May 26, 1865 War Final Statement for Newton Butler, Corp. died Oct 5,
Jun 13, 1865 Final Statement Final statement of William S. Butler, died Sep 15,
Jun 18, 1865 Military Oliver T. Butler swears to support the Constitution. He
was 39 years old, 6"1", light complexion, dark hair and
gray eyes.
Jul 31, 1865 Military Muster out record of Duncan R. Butler in Louisville,
Aug 14, 1865 Affidavit Aff of W.H. ? clerk certifys that he has copied the
marriage certificate of Newton and Jane Butler.
Sep 10, 1865 Deed Arthur L. Butler to Wm. L. Butler S13 T5 R4E NW1/4 of
SW 1/4 & SW1/4 of SW1/4 (40 acres). Arthur L and Sarah
Jane his wife ... inheritance at law.
Oct 7, 1865 Letter Letter acknowledging application for pension no.
107777. Appears that Newton Butler enrolled on Aug 22,
1862 at Chicago in Co. D, 89th Regiment of Illinois
Volunteers for 3 months. Mustered as corporal Newton
C. Butler Jun 10, 1865. Died while a prisioner of war
at Andersonville, Ga. on or about Sep 15, 1864, cause
of death not stated.
Oct 23, 1865 Title Abstract Title abstract of farm owned by Duncan Robert Butler.
Originally deeded to Duncan from the US Government on
Oct 23, 1865. (ref).
Apr 21, 1866 Affidavit Malissa E. Butler, widow, swears that William S. Butler
of Franklin Co. died on Oct 8, 1864, with a personal
estate of $150. Children, Welcom, Cyntha Ann, Eliza
J., Louisa, Robert F., Sarah E., and John H. Butler.
Clerk C. M. Clark signs and Malissa leaves her mark,
"X". (ref).
Sep 28, 1866 Marriage Licensed issued Sep 28, 1866 and marriage of Willis
Lawrence and Malissa E. Butler performed on Sep 30,
1866 by Isham Harrison, asso. justice.
Oct 24, 1867 Application Application of Jane Butler age 32. "My Post Office
address is Tompkinsville, Monroe Co. KY. My domicile
or place of abode is on the wagon road leading (down
Turkey creek) from Tompkinsville KY to Butler's Landing
TN." Aff of Mary Plumlee of Jackson resident of George
H. Plumlee of Jackson.
Nov 5, 1867 Affidavit Aff of Sarah Marshall, midwife who witness Siotha
Butler's birth on Oct 8, 1857 in Perry Co, IL.
Attested by Bennett Arterberry and Bailey Butler.
Newton was a private in Company D commanded by Capt
Spink in the 89th Regiment commanded by Col. Hoykis.
Nov 5, 1867 Affidavit Aff of Cynthia Butler that she was present when Kindall
and Sarah Butler were born. Attested by Bennett
Arterberry and Bailey Butler. Civil officer was Isham
Nov 5, 1867 Affidavit Certificate of W H Cook, MD who witnessed Isham Newton
Lafayette Butler's birth.
Nov 5, 1867 Affidavit Aff of Siota Dorris, midwife who witness William Jasper
Butler's birth on Jan 20, 1859 in Perry Co, IL.
Attested by Bennett Arterberry and Bailey Butler.
Newton was a private in Company D commanded by Capt
Spink in the 89th Regiment commanded by Col. Hoykis.
Dec 27, 1867 Affidavit Aff of Jane Butler to correct birth date of child on
previous application. Cannot write and relied upon Wm
M. Riggs to do her writting. Original declaration was
written by Wm Elston of Duquoin IL and the latte by Wm
M. Riggs of Tompkinsville KY.
Jan 25, 1868 Pension Claim for widows pension 107777. States that Newton C.
Butler Priv Co D 89 Ill was a resident of Jackson Co.
Dec 18, 1868 Masonic Bailey Butler initiated into the Vannahill Lodge No
133, Masonic Order. He is made a master mason on 15
Jan 1869. T. H. Butler, G. G. Butler also appear in
the records.
Jan 20, 1869 Bible Thomas H. Butler refered to in letter from Ben
Jan 26, 1869 Pension Declaration of minor children for Army pension. Isham
Harrison states that he is 39 and is the legally
appointed guardian of Robert F. Butler (b Apr 26,
1855), Sarah E. Butler (b May 7, 1860), and John H.
Butler (b Apr 15, 1862), who are suriving children
under 16 of William S. Butler who died in Andersonville
Prison. Wm S. and Melissa E. Davis were married in
Jackson Co on the Jun 4, 1846 by Franklin Butler, JP.
Witnessed by C.D. M?? and Thomas Davis. (ref).
Feb 5, 1869 Affidavit Aff of Caleb Butler, member of Co. D. He was well
acquainted with William S. Butler who was taken
prisoner while on the March from Chatanooga, TN to
Atlanta, GA. Taken to Andersonville and died on or
about 8 Oct 1864 of "hardships endured and disease
contracted in said prison." Knows from own knowledge.
Mar 13, 1869 Letter Pension no. 171,790. The Assistant Adju General states
that it appears from rolls on file that W. H. Butler
was enrolled Aug 21, 1862 at Chicago in Co. D, 89
Regiment of Ill. Volunteers to serve 3 years or during
the War and mustered in as a private on Aug 25, 1862.
On the muster rolls for the months May & June, 1864, he
is reported as ? William S. Butler 'Taken prisoner May
27, 1864 at New Hope Church Ga." M. out role dated June
1865 report him "Died while a prisoner of war at
Andersonville Ga. on or about Sept. 15 1864."
Apr 15, 1869 Bible George H. Morgan married Mary Ann Butler.
Jun 13, 1870 Deed Leroy B. Butler sales 1 1/8 acres to S. H. Jones for
$112.50. Located near the mouth of Butlers' Landing.
[Need to copy more of the deeds]
Jun 16, 1870 History Clay County formed equally from the northern sections
of Overton and Jackson Counties.
Sep 4, 1870 Census 1870 census listing: John P. Butler 58; Baly Butler 27;
F H Butler 50. Original census.
Apr 13, 1871 Declaration Declaration for pension of William Kendall, age 76,
states he was married on 1 Jul 1821 to Sarah Butler in
Jackson Co., TN.
May 12, 1871 Deed Bailey Butler sales estimated 100 acres to William F.
Plumlee for $1000. Bailey Butler inherited the land
from his father Bailey Butler by will. Located on the
North side of the Cumberland, in District 1, East of
John Stone, West of WF Weaver.
Aug 14, 1872 Affidavit Court house fire destroyed records as stated by Clerk
J. W. Draper on 19 Jul 1883.
Aug 15, 1872 Newspaper The Nashville Union and American wrote August 21, 1872
(New Series, No. 1 244) p. 4, col.3, "GAINSBORO TENN.,
Aug. 15, 1872. Between one and two o'clock last night
the Courthouse at this place was discovered in flames.
The fire had made such progress before its discovery
that it was impossible to save it or any of its
contents, the flames having, from the appearances,
evidently been kindled in the attic, and the office all
being upstairs, the records of the Circuit and County
Courts, all of the Regiser's books and a portion, if
not all of the County Surveyor's books, were destroyed,
leaving our county a blank so far as public records are
concerned, except those of the Chancery Court. Thus by
the torch of an known incendiary, Jackson county is
almost ruined. The stillness of the night probably
saved the whole village of Gainsboro from destruction.
Yours truly, G.H.M." (ref).
Jul 21, 1873 Guardianship Isham Harrison Esq. appointed guardian of William,
Isham and Siota.
Aug 28, 1873 Affidavit Aff of Nancy Wilson who states that she was present in
Jane Butler's house while "she was a carfs" and knows
that Jane died 8 Apr 1873.
Aug 29, 1873 Affidavit Aff of Isham Harrison that Newton Butler's widow died 8
Apr 1873. The children have not aided or abetted the
Feb 18, 1874 Deed Statement of Richmond Darwin, John Dale, WB Butler, SGS
Butler, SJ Tinsley and Martha Tinsley that the late
Polly Darwin put in trust land for burying descendants
of Bailey Butler. Gives mets & bounds from Beech in
the NW corner of said tract.
Jan 20, 1876 Marriage Marriage of Elizabeth Butler and Jordan Masters.
Aug 31, 1876 Deed Hindle (Kindle?) Butler to Andrew Sims S23 & 35
released all rts by virture of homestead exemption.
Mar 7, 1878 Bond T H Butler and James Weaver bond for the marriage of
Weaver to Martha Arterberry in the amount of $1250
Apr 8, 1878 Pension Pension file of Amos Kirkpatrick for service in the War
of 1812. Widow Rachel applies and states that she
lives on same land as while she was married to Amos,
which is 2 miles from Gainesboro on the Cumberland
Mar 4, 1879 Deed Charles Cooper to S.J. Butler S5 T5 R3E W1/2 of NE1/4.
1880 Census Index Wm 21 from Tn & Emma 20 from Il; Mary A. 56 Ky, Harriet
E. 20, Wm T. 15, Ida 12f; Bailey 76 widower Ky; Martha
C. widow, Margaret M. Hosea f18 widow, Mary E. f12,
James J. m10, Wm E. m7, Marion J. m5; J. m28, Margaret
19, Louella f4, Henry m4/12; John m23; John m33,
Frances f34, George W. 11, Minnie 9, Ana J. 4,
Elizabeth Coleman f11 niece.
Jun 4, 1880 Census 1880 Census listing Welcome & Mary Butler, children
William, Minnie, Cora, Charles; W B Butler (William
Balie?) age 33 attorney; Bailey Butler, age 25. All
born in TN except Welcome's mother who was from KY.
Jun 17, 1880 Census 1880 Census for Clay County showing George 1815, J.T.
1839, O.T. 1845, L.B. 1824, J.P. 1810, S.W. 1831.
Jan 11, 1883 Newspaper Personal entry in the Transit, "A letter from W.B.
Butler of Comanche Texas indicates that Bailey is doing
well. He wants the Upper Cumberland and says that he
may come in to see us all this fall.
Nov 10, 1883 Affidavit Aff of Thomas Davis, age 70 and Baily Butler, age 79,
stating that they live near Mary Butler and know that
Mary and ??? have lived together for 39 or 40 years,
know they were married in Jackson Co., post office
address is Mulkeytown.
Apr 11, 1884 Pension Aff of Matilda Jones, age 74?, stating that she knows
that Duncan R. and Mary A. lived as man and wife for
some 25 years preceeding their deaths. Acted as
midwife for Ida, born in Spring Settlement, on or about
19 Apr 1868.
May 10, 1884 Affidavit Aff of John Mulkey and B S Kirkpatrick state that they
saw Ida A. Butler sign her name.
Misc Records Misc records from 1810-1909. Tannehill Lodge Institute
opened with Thos. H. Butler as one of the Trustees; abs
of the Upper Cumberland paper, issue Dec 24, 1885.
Lawyers advertising included T.H. & W.B. Butler, Bowen
A. Butler.
1887 Pension Oliver T. Butler age 61 resident of Clementsville
declares that he is 6 feet, complexion light, hair
light, eyes grey, farmer.
Apr 2, 1887 Pension Oliver T. Butler applies for Mexican War Pension. He
enlisted at Memphis on Oct 1847 for five years and was
discharged Jul-Aug 1848. Served in Cob 4 undert
Richard Waterhouse. Claims disability incurred at
Tumers Mill, Clay Co., TN on Dec 1881 when he lost 3
fingers on his right hand in a circle edging saw
accident. States that he is 61, born Feb 5, 1826.
Witnessed by Wm Gore & Newton Moore who also served
with Oliver under Capt. John Scanland.
Apr 20, 1887 Pension C.W. Carter age 36 and ___ Turner age 58 have been
acquainted with Oliver T. Butler for 12 years and that
in Dec 1881 Oliver was in their employ when accidently
cut off three fingers.
Jun 21, 1887 War Survior certificate no. 5263 issued for Oliver T.
Butler, Prt., Co. B, Reg. H Tenn Vol., agency Knoxville
for $8 per month. Also misc war records from Mexican
Jul 12, 1888 Will Will of Thomas H. Butler; letter to Editor of the
Sentinel regarding an article "Progress of Canvass" i
the issue of "16th". Referes to Thomas H. Butler as
Col. Other misc documents.
Aug 30, 1888 Will Will of Kendall Plumlee giving to daughter Sarah
personal property and she is to take care wife Maria.
Mentions other children: Sanford, Losen and Jane
Butler. Witnessed by G? H. Plumlee & John Plumlee.
Sep 9, 1891 Affidavit Aff of William J. Connor who knew Duncan Robert Butler
from boyhood, lived within 1/4 mile; Butler came home
from Army in bad health, lung and throat disease.
Oct 7, 1891 Letter Letter from clerk James M Josslin stating that William
T.S. Butler was born Apr 12, 1865, based upon his
review of the Duncan Robert Butler family bible,
published 1850 and which had various entries.
Nov 28, 1891 Affidavit Aff of Walter W. Harris age 45 who has the Butler
family bible and lives in Tamalco.
Dec 29, 1891 Pension Widow's Service Pension of Prudence Lucinda Butler of
Clementsville, Clay Co., TN, filed on Oliver T. Butler
who died Nov 26, 1891 at the age of 66.
Jul 26, 1892 Letter Letter by Ida A. Butler to George C. Ross, Int. Dept?t
asking that her application for pension be considered
as she is in great need of help. Her attorney, Geo. E.
Lemon, does not respond to her.
Aug 31, 1893 Hotel Regan House register shows M.G. Butler, B.C. Butler of
Gainseboro checked in. (ref).
Jan 2, 1894 Hotel Regan House register shows M.G. Butler, Bailey C.
Butler of Gainseboro checked in. (ref).
Sep 12, 1894 Hotel Regan House register shows S.G. Butler of Gainseboro
checked in. (ref).
Apr 25, 1895 Pension App. Application of Bailey Butler for pension. Born 28
March 1844, enlisted at Celina on May 6, 1861, in the
8th TN Inf Reg't. Attorney: Jno. S. Qualies. Lost
right eye from the explosion of a bomb shell. Never
1900 Census Fam 53, William Butler b 1858, married 21 years to
Malissa E. b 1860, children: Della 1884, Louella 1887,
Elzie 1889, Ora F. 1892, Cordelia 1896
Jun 2, 1900 Census Malissa Lawrence, age 71 and a widow, is living with
Louisa Harris. Malissa is shown to have 12 children,
with 7 living. Born in Ky in Mar 1829. Louisa has 3
children living with her (8 living of 12 born): Jessie
M., d born Sep 1886; Fannie E d born Mar 1887; Henry E.
s born Feb 1893. The father is shown to have been born
in N.C.
Jul 27, 1900 Bible George Hampton Morgan (H of Mary Ann Butler), died Jul
27, 1900 and was buried in Cockville, Tn.
Dec 1, 1900 Affidavit Aff of Malissa E. Butler stating that "we had a family
Bible which showed ... but it has been lost & I don't
know where it is. Witnesses by Pearl & Jessie Harris.
Jun 5, 1901 Letter Ltr from Interior stating that land warrant 81695 (40
acres) issued to Polly Anderson, widow of Bailey Butler
was assigned Feb 4, 1854 by Polly & Richmond Darwin
(Polly's new husband) to Edwin Warner in the presence
of FW Butler and SGS Butler. Later assigned Mar 3,
1854 to Ebenezer Cook who located at Iowa City, Iowa.
Warrant 84731 (120 acres Act 1855) issued in favor of
minor children not found.
Aug 9, 1901 Pension Louisa Harris age 49 (b Sep 19, 1852), who is suffering
from Goiter and is the legitimate child of William S.
Butler. Widow died in Apr 1901. Minor pension number
128708. Her post office is Keyesport, Clinton Co., Il.
Leaves X.
Jul 19, 1905 Pension Widow's Application for pension on Leroy Bonapart
Butler, b 1823, m to Elizabeth Dale, Apr 18, 1850 in
Overton. He enlisted in Livingston, TN in 1861 and was
a soldier until the end of the war. Also has aff of
C.E. Dale, age 64 on Sep 19, 1905.
Jul 10, 1908 Deed Bailey C. Butler acted as solictor for a deed of 3
acres in the 1st civil district.
Jul 13, 1916 Death Cert. Death cert. of Jane Plumlee, b abt 1839, died Jul 13,
1916. Illigetimate, mother Butler. Informant was J.A.
Rich of Celina, TN.
Jul 13, 1916 Death Cert. Death cert. of Jane Plumlee age 77 at death. Widow who
was illegitimate, father not stated, mother's maiden
name only, Butler.
Feb 28, 1927 Death Cert. Death cert of C.P. Butler who died Feb 28, 1927. Born
Dec 21, 1867, in Clay Co., TN, son of Oliver Butler.
Informat was Oscar Butler. Trade was merchandsing.
Buried in Red Boling Springs.
Apr 29, 1931 Affidavit Aff of Agatha Woodson, State Historian of DAR. States
that knows that James Butler had 3 sons in
Revolutionary War, General William Butler, James Jr.
Butler and Thomas Butler, married cousin Elizabeth
Grigsby, d of Enoch Grigsby & Susan Butler.
Apr 20, 1934 Newspaper Obit of Ida Augustine Butler, d of Duncan Robert & Mary
Ann Fowler Davis Butler, b 19 Apr 1868, d 19 Apr 1934.
Sep 7, 1934 Obitutary Missouri Butler Kirpatrick, daughter of Duncan Robert
Butler and Mary Ann Fowler Davis, born Nov 14, 1853.
Includes photo of her gravemaker. "She was from a good
family, in whose ranks is represented every walk of
like-- missionaries to foreign countries, physicians of
note, congressmen, ministers, scientists... lawyers,
college presidents, college teachers..."
Nov 2, 1934 Newspaper Article by Susan Butler Coleman. (ref).
Mar 5, 1939 Death Cert. Sherman Butler born April 12, 1865, son of Robert
Butler and Sarah Davis (should be Mary A.). Informant
was Ida Butler. (ref).
Sep 29, 1943 Obituary Ida Butler, 74, died in Valier on Sep 28, 1843. Born
in Franklin Aug 10, 1869, daughter of William Pipkin,
widow of Sherman Butler. Survived by 3 daughters, Mrs.
John DeMatti of Benton Mrs. Henry Foster and Mrs.
Robert Smith both of Buckner, Ill. Burial at Butler
cemetery. (From Obits & Tidbits by Carla Pulliam)
Jan 18, 1948 Death Cert. Death cert of Theresa Butler Longenbaugh, born May 9,
1862 at Bond Co, Ill. Death caused from severe shock &
complications following a fall in her bedroom. Buried
in Oak Grove, Sullivan. Husban, Jacob Longenbaugh.
Informant was Albert Walker who stated that father was
Robert Wood?
Jan 23, 1948 Obitutary Obituary of Theresa Butler Longenbauch, d of Robert and
Angeline Wood. Married John H. Butler in June 1884,
Bond Co., later moved to NW of Sullivan, Moultrie Co.
Children: Mrs H. E. Pinkston of Swartz Creek, Mich.,
Mrs Albert Walker of Sullivan, John A. Butler who died
two years ago, Dail Butler of Shelbyville & Maudine who
died at age 4. Leaves 13 grandchildren & 11 great
grandchildren. With Oak Grove Baptist church near Dunn
in Oct 1905, then with Methodist in Shelbyville.
Deeds Deed book of Clay County. Lists LB Butler, Baily
Butler, WB Butler, and John Butler.
KY Land Grants Grants south of Walker's Line. Issued from 1825 to
1923. Lists Butlers in Jackson, Sumner, Fentress,
Stewart, Montgomery, Opp Whitley, and Macon Counties.
Abs Ct Minutes John Butler v. Susan Butler et al. pg 403.
Cemetery Cemetery Inscriptions, Tyrone Township, Franklin County
by Chloe Davis. Reid cemetery, row 4, Butler, inf dau
W & M no date; Susan M. Butler, dau W & M Feb 14, 1856;
Thos. L. Butler, inf son W & M. By Chloe Davis & Ruby
Henderson. (ref).